Monday, October 27, 2014

Photos I (mom) received from a photographer in ALDERSHOT today....

Don't know what they're for..... but sure do love em'!

In the email she thanked the sisters for being her models and cc'd the parents also.

**Found out they're copyrighted..... didn't ask if I could post them, doubt I could.

"Inspired by the fire." -C (one of our investigators... )

We taught M on Tuesday!!! She is AMAZING!!!! She brought her friend with her to the lesson!!! Her friend's name is J and she is from the Middle East!!! :) She believes in Sikhism!! Which is cool!!! We started the lesson again with How To Begin Teaching for J... When we talked about peace, J said, "I really want peace in my life...." <3 Awww... We found out a couple of days ago that J is going through a really hard time right now so it really isn't any coincidence that we came into her life at this time!!!!! <3

L is an AMAZING missionary!!!!! His friend's son, B, just moved to England and L referred him to us!!! It was an amazing lesson!!!!!!!!! We introduced the Book of Mormon to B and then L came in like a super hero and started explaining and testifying of the Book of Mormon... It was A-FLIPPING-MAZING!!!!!!!!! L really is an incredible missionary!!!! He, like Paul, "Beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches." Even though he lives a hard life, he never stops preaching the gospel.  He is completely unashamed of the gospel of Christ. <3

M..... Poor M..... His doctor has lessened his medication (He is on medication for his drug addiction) and M was completely out of it on Thursday and Friday... :( And he wasn't able to come to church on Sunday because he was throwing up... :( BUT, amazingly!!! On Thursday and Friday, the Spirit was sooooo strong.... <3 Even though he was in pain and super tired, he really tried to pay attention to what we were saying... <3 He is praying now though!!!!! He says just simple little prayers like, "God, are you there?" or "God, help me out right now." They are simple, BUT "of small and simple things GREAT things are brought to pass." <3 M is amazing!!!!!

I found a VERY COOL scripture this week...

So, I don't know why, but I have a strange obsession with light... I just LOVE light!!! Or anything that shines!!! I just LOOOOOVE light!! :)

In Isaiah 60:19, it says:

"The sun shall be no more they light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: But, the Lord shall be unto thee an EVERLASTING LIGHT and thy God thy glory."

I KNOW that as we continue towards God, He will give us the light that we need to continue!!!

My favorite Mormon Message now is 'Hope of God's Light...'

Wow.... :) "And they prayed over the hot dogs...." hahha!!! I love it!!! It really is what Heavenly Father does with us!!!

So, one thing that EVERYONE seems to associate the church with is the Osmond Family!!! :)

My favorite song is by David Osmond... It's called 'Not the Only One.' :)


It really gives you the perspective that we aren't doing ANYTHING alone... :) Christ faced everything with courage, humility, and steadfastness BY HIMSELF so that we would NEVER face ANYTHING alone. The Atonement helps us to face EVERYTHING with courage and humility and steadfastness!!!!!

The lyrics:

There's a man who is trembling at the edge of the sea
With thousands of people leaning on him
And the enemy's gaining, there's no place to hide
So he raises his staff and he runs
Into the mists of the water that followed the will of the Lord
Into the place where you're living on faith that's
Stronger than fear, stronger than swords
I am not the only one who has ever been cornered
When suddenly God splits the sea
I am not the only one who has needed a Savior
And prayed for the One who could save me
I'm not the only one
I have never had water from the center of a stone
I have never tamed lions or lived in a whale
And the fiery furnace surrounding me now
Is only my doubts and my fears
But deep in a heart that is hurting, I still have to trust in the Lord
But the words of the ancients tell of a God who is
Stronger than kings, stronger than swords
I am not the only one who has ever been friendless
Or lost in a wilderness place
I am not the only one who's been rescued by mercy
In exchange for my slivers of perfect faith
I'm not the only one
So many people changed by the truth through the ages of time
So many miracles amazing and new when I hear them for the thousandth time
I am not the only one who will worship my Maker
On the day that I fall at His feet
I am not the only one who will cherish the heroes
Who lived all these stories that saved me
I'm not the only one
I am not the only one
I am not the only one who has needed a Savior
And prayed for the One who could save me
I'm not the only one
I'm not the only one


I LOVE YOU ALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I pray for you alllll thhheeee time!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Sister Vande Merwe


Ello Guvnas from the land of Mary Poppins!!!!!
This week has been FULL of Mary Poppins!!! hahhha
1. We called a member the other day (some of you MIGHT know him, his name is M..... hahahah he's a riot....) and I left a message in a, as the English call it, "Dick Van Dyke accent...." Dick Van Dyke is supposedly the worse English accent to ever walk the earth..... And it's true!!! He sounds NOTHING like them..... hahahahhahahah I know he is trying to pull off a Londoner accent but he is honestly WAYYY off.... hahah Sorry Mr. Disney.... hahahhah :)
2. The other day, Grannie A., the EIGHTY year old woman we live with was helping Sister Y with her English by making her say, "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!!" hahahhahahhahah!! Funniest thing ever!!!!
3. We went to Windsor Freaking Castle last week for Pday.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And guess what.... We were there the same day as the queen was!!!!!!!!! But, alas, I did not get a picture with her... Cause she left literally RIGHT before we got there...... dang it.... But anyways... It hit me that I am in Mary Poppins land!!!!!!! It's nothing at all like the Mary Poppins movie but hey, I'm still here right!??!

Well, this week has been fantastic.......

We had zone conference on Friday and Elder Adler from the Chorum of the Seventy came and spoke to us!!!! how blessed are we1?!?!??!

Just some things from my journal that I learned:

"You are entitled to blessings as long as you prepare fro them."

"Don't be number monkeys."

"You don't ask for referrals. You don't beg for them. you don't plead for them. you don't nag for them. You EARN them."
"Start a conversation, instead of, "Hi, we're missionaries and we are sharing a message about...."

"We're not Jehova's Witnesses... We're happier than they are."

"Try to teach them something different."

"I'm sorry I'm a little scattered today, but this is what the Spirit wants me to say."

"Idleness is the Devil's time. Idleness is destructive."

"We thank Thee, Heavenly Father, for the labors of the day that occupy our time."

"We do not stop finding. Nothing happens in missionary work until we find someone to teach."

"In teaching others, you teach yourself."

"You're here to find people. And you want to prepare them for baptism.... But, you want to see them kneeling in the temple."

"You have stood on the water. You have taken a step towards Christ. But, like Peter, we still drown... Remember what it felt like to stand. Remember what it felt like to walk towards Christ."

"When they reject you, forgive them. For they know not what they do."

"Give yourself to your calling. Focus on your mission. When you do this, He will mold you, carve you, and seal you up to be more than you were before."

"We are not here because of who we are, but we are here because of who we can become."

"Missionary work should begin and end with our minds focused on the blessings of the temple."

"What would've happened if I had given up?"

"It really strengthened my relationship with my Heavenly Father because He was there the entire time.

This week has been great!!!!!!

M is one of our new investigators!!!!!!


Everyone cool is just from Romania!!! hahahhahahha

We had a cool conversation about religion and how she is looking for a religion that doesn't force.. hmmm... who would that be?? "We're not the Jehova's Witnesses. We're happier than they are..." hahahhah!!!!!

She told us that she HOPES that there is a God. <3 She HOPES!!!!

That is music to my ears!!!!!!!!!!

We also had something a little disheartening happen.....

G asked us to cancel the baptism.... :(

BUT, not for good!!!!

He still wants to be baptized he just isn't ready... And that's okay!!!

Because remember? We do not force. We invite. <3

But, I know the blessings will come as we faithfully respond to Heavenly Father's call to find. <3

I want to share my favorite hymn... Most people should know this....

"There is Sunshine in my Soul Today"
My FAVORITE line is:

"And Jesus listening can hear the song I cannot sing."

"He sees weaknesses different than rebellion."
-Richard G. Scott. <3
Because we ALL have weaknesses!!! And Heavenly Father loves us for it!! Because He gave them to us!!! But, He doesn't like rebellion because that is when we are leaning a little more towards Satan. ..
But Heavenly Father loves us for our strengths AND weaknesses.... <3

We all have a weakness that keeps us from singing the song of righteousness.....

And that is why the Atonement is needed. So at the end of the day, we can ALL sing the song of righteousness... <3


Love, Sister AllyBoBally

October 13

October 6