Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Little People Living Out BIG Love

What I'm going to be doing in 21 days is everything he just said. "It's one person filled with love. And they just have to live it out. And they have to do something awesome! And then that person is filled with love! And they do something awesome! And it just goes on and on and on and on..." Showing love is not just part of the LDS church. Showing love IS the LDS church. Showing love is awesome! And being awesome can be buying someone's food, babysitting for free, paying a compliment, listening with an open heart, and just being down right loving towards EVERYONE! I have never known why, but for some people, it is extremely hard to show love. And sometimes those kinds of people are very hard to love. But, those who are hard to love need love the most. Us humans get in the habit way too much of just showing love to those who show it back... THAT IS NOT THE CASE. How on earth are we supposed to change the world if we are just showing love and being awesome to a fraction of the world? Changing the entire world means being and treating everyone the same EVERYWHERE you go. Have you ever noticed Christ spent most of His time around people who were never shown love? Just to name a few: the lepers, the adulterers, the poor, the dumb, the sickly, the blind, the beggars, the unrighteous, the sinners. He spent time with everyone, including people who didn't think it could get better. People who were judged and shunned everywhere they went. He showed them a way out by showing them love. I try to live up to his example. I never will because I am human and never will be perfect. But, there is a reason I try to be friends with EVERYONE in the area EVERYWHERE I go. You have no idea what struggles they are having to trek along with. And I KNOW giving some of the love you have been given will truly, not lift some of the weight, but give them more strength to bear their struggles. The only kind of love that can lift burdens is the Atonement. But, the kind of love we as Children of God are capable of showing has the power to give others strength. You have been given some of your own personal sunshine from your Heavenly Father. And you have been given agency to use it as you may. But, Heavenly Father wouldn't have you put it in your pocket and save it for a rainy day. Nor would he have you bury it so that it may remain untouched from the world. Our Father in Heaven would have you give out EVERY single bit of sunshine you have in you to others. Because when you see the light you've given them show in their faces, you receive more sunshine through the Holy Spirit. SPREAD THE SUNSHINE YOU'VE BEEN GIVEN. Be the bestest friend everywhere you go. Let's change the world by spreading our sunshine!!! 
Love, Sister Vande Merwe

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