Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17, 2014

Oh, my goodness!!!! I love you all soo much!!!! The MTC is incredible!!!!!!!! I love the spirit here and having the opportunity to invite others to come unto Him!!!!!
First of all, the food here is interesting...... But, whatevs!!!!! Second of all, I love my companions!!!!!! Sister N. is from Tremonton, Utah and is soo amazing!!! She is blunt and so strong with the spirit!!!!!! Sister D. is from Kansas City, Missouri and she is a spiritual fox!!!!! 
4 DAYS UNTIL LONDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really have no idea what to say because there is SO MUCH to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have felt myself come closer to Christ and I have never knelt and prayed so often!!!! I've knelt at least 5 times in one hour!!!!!! I love the faith of everyone!!!!!
We had a devo on Sunday and watched a video by Elder Bednar about the character of Christ... We are all Cookie Monsters (Natural Men) and say "I want cookie now!!! I want baptism now!!! We all turn inwards and focus on what WE want. Whereas, Christ turned outwards and focused on what everyone NEEDED. He was patient with EVERYONE that He taught. He was not discouraged when people lost faith in Him. He just turned outwards and kept trying. But, let's be honest.... If the SAVIOR taught you, how on Earth culd you lose faith in Him!!? He was patient and adjusted His teaching strategies to match their understanding. When He asked the fishermen, "Come follow me and be FISHERS of men." He adjusted how He asked them to follow Him in a way that they would understand!!!!
I was called to be a Sister Training Leader... CRAZY!!!! So greeting the newbs last night was awesome!!! (Which is weird because aren't we all at the MTC newbs???) I love seeing how many people are willing to put away time for just the Lord!!!!! I love this time I have with the Lord!!!!! It is amazing at how close we can come to Him just by having faith that all will work out!!!
Oh, if we could all be like the Savior at all times and all things and all places.... But, all Heavenly Father asks of us is to TRY OUR VERY HARDEST. And He gives us SOOOOO MUCH IN RETURN. We are always going to mess up, but that is what the Atonement is for!!! Which, I was asked last minute to give a talk on the Atonement on Sunday!! Weelllll, not last minute because the Branch President (who is sooo sweet) asked us to prepare talks on the Atonement, but he wouldn't tell us who would be asked. So I prepared a talk about how the Atonement can help us in any and every way possible, including giving us courage to open our mouths. (Doc and Cov 33:8-10) So, I used the example of Esther. Esther, even though she was before the time of the Savior it still applies, was put in the position of needing to save her people. She was the Plan A in this situation (Esther 4:12-4) and through fasting and praying, the Atonement gave her courage to open her mouth. LET US USE THE ATONEMENT TO OPEN OUR MOUTHS. INVITE OTHERS TO COME UNTO HIM BY OPENING OUR MOUTHS!!!! I love you all soooo much and am sooo thankful for your support!!!!!!!! You are in my prayers and daily thought!!!
SPREAD THE SUNSHINE THE LORD HAS GIVEN YOU!!!!!!! Hope to hear from you!!!!!!!
With Love With All My Fetching Heart, 
Sister V (What everyone calls me because they can't pronounce my last name... hahhahaa)

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