Monday, July 28, 2014

Oh, this week has been incredible... There were very trying days and very awesome days!
Soooo... WE SPOKE AT ZONE CONFERENCE!!!!!! I don't know if I've told you this, but Sister S and I bought ukuleles and are playing them and singing hymns for people on the street!!!! We have told President Millar about it in our weekly letter and so we were asked to talk on finding and teaching through music!!!!! I felt soo blessed that we were trusted enough to speak at Zone Conference!! Using music in our missionary work has been an absolute blessing!!!! I know that we are given certain talents and abilities to do certain things!!! Because have you ever noticed in a movie, it's not the scene that makes us emotional, but the MUSIC?? The music makes it intense or sad or happy or scary.... MUSIC IS MOOD!!!!!!!!! One of Satan's most powerful tools is music..... Imagine if we used music with the Spirt... IT WOULD BE TWICE AS POWERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soooo, A was confirmed yesterday!!!!! Now, A was very nervous to be confirmed in front of everyone in sacrament meeting, so Bishop Gilboy suggested that he be confirmed before church... So that's what we did!!!! And in his blessing he was told that he would SERVE A MISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, it was amazing to hear that in his blessing....!!!! By the end, Brother R,  the one giving the blessing, was SHAKING. The Spirit in the room was sooooooo strong!!!!!! Both Brother R and A were in tears!!!!!!!!
Oh, I soooo wish every missionary could have the experiences I've had so far on my mission. And most of them are because of Big A and Little A.  Big A is absolutely incredible.... The other day, we were scheduled to teach a man in the park who seemed not exactly all there.... Big A said he would come along to make sure we were safe and protected!!! He is the most caring man alive!!!!!!! He feels like family to me!!!!!!!!!! And I KNOW when he is baptized, he will be the MOST SOLID member EVER!!!!!!!! Little A is just altogether a miracle!!!!! Everything he has experienced in his life has led up to him joining the church and considering a mission..... THEY ARE BOTH AMAZING!!!!!
Sooooo, we are teaching... Drumroll please... A family!!!!!! OF FIVE KIDS!!!!!!! Literally every missionaries dream!!!!!
It is N's, one of our baptisms this week, family!!!!! Oh, they are amazing!!!!!!!! :D N, the dad, is ready to receive God into his life. After teaching the Plan of Happiness to them, N said, "If this is true, I wanna join..." Ahhh!!!!! It was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
N is setting such an amazing example to her family!!!!!!!!! I know this is the right decision for her!!!!!!!! And even more importantly, she knows it too!!!
IIIIIII LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEEE THHHHIIIIISSSSS WWWWOOOOORRRRKKKK!!!!! Doctrine and Covenants 121:23, "Let the mountains shout for joy, and all ye valleys cry aloud; and all ye seas and dry lands tell the wonders of your Eternal King! And ye rivers, and brooks, and rills, flow down with gladness. Let the woods and all the trees of the field praise the Lord; and ye solid rocks weep for joy! And let the sun, moon, and the morning stars sing together, and let all the sons of God shout for joy! And let the eternal creations declare his name forever and ever! And again I say, how glorious is the voice we hear from heaven, proclaiming in our ears, glory, and salvation, and honor, and immortality, and eternal life; kingdoms, principalities, and powers!" EVERYONE NEEDS TO HEAR THIS GOOD WORD!!!!! If even the mountains are shouting for joy and the sun is shining His light and all of His creations are proclaiming testimony of this work, WHY ON EARTH WOULD WE NOT!!!!!????
I feel soooo blessed Heavenly Father trusts us enough here!!!!!!!!!! <3
Love, Your Sister Bobally.... <3 <3

Monday, July 7, 2014

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!!! Plus.. Maybe someone's three month mark....

Okay, I will make this very quick. :)
Oh, the glow on His face was incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A is amazing!!!!!!! He is progressing soooo well!!!! Everything he has EVER experienced has led up to him being baptized!!!!!!! The other day, we all prayed about when he should be baptized, and after we did, he said, "How about the 23rd?" Yeah, it's a Wednesday, but that's what he felt. We asked him why and he said, "That number has ALWAYS stuck out to and never understood why. But, now I do. Because the 23rd is the day I'm going to be baptized." AHHH! So cool!!!!! When we taught him about family history, he got soo excited!!! We had a member with us, Brother R.  He said, "A, you are the key to bringing your ancestors to Christ." And A burst into tears.... "I had a dream about a week before I met you. I heard the words, 'you will be the key to the sun.'" Sister S and Bro. R didn't really get it at first but I was like, "HOLY FUNKY FRESH! ANDY! The Celestial Kingdom is compared to the sun!! Through temple work we can go there!!! YOU ARE THE KEY TO GETTING TO THE SUNNY KINGDOM!!!!" Oh, goodnes... The spirit was sooooooooooooooooooooo strong!!!!!!
And then N prayed about her baptismal date........ SHE KNOWS SHE NEEDS TO BE BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
N and another investigator (C) are BEST FRIENDS and want to be baptized on the SAME day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a comfort it is to me that Jesus Christ told me that He needs me out here! And even more so, how comforting it is to me that He is doing this work right along side with me!!!
I had a very cool study this morning...
After I read the Book of Mormon, I read the beginning of "Our Search for Happiness" by M. Russell Ballard. He talked about how Christ's mission was so short. And yet, He accomplished so much. In the Atonement, Christ was able to do what He did because He was touched with immortality.
He had the power to give up and say no. He had the power to overcome those who humiliated, bruised, abused, threatened, and crucified Him. But, He didn't. Because He wanted all of us to be able to have the same immortality that He did.
And I realized, that is my mission. Yes, it is .000000000000000000000000000000001% of what the Savior did, but still, that is my mission. I leave my friends, my righteous desires, my dreams, my goals, my family, my LIFE, so that others can have their friends, their righteous desires, their dreams, their goals, their family, their LIVES for eternity.
Yes, it's not fun sometimes. But, we do it because someone needs to.
Have you ever seen how they make olive oil? The press all the olives until the oil comes out. Only through pressure can you experience the sweet goodness of the olive.
Well, the meaning of Gethsemane is "olive press." Through the pressure of having our salvation, our sins, our pains, our guilt, our sorrows, EVERY NEGATIVE THING in our lives upon Himself, the Savior bled from every pore. In order to Atone for us, He needed to be pressed. The only way to achieve the Plan of Salvation, the happiest plan in all the world, He needed to be pressed. In order for all of us to taste of this sweet goodness, His body needed to be pressed to the point that He bled from every pore.
We ALL have our own olive press. And it is only through pressure that we can experience the sweet goodness, the "fruits of our labors."
I KNOW I CAN DO THIS. And I know it's going to be very hard for me to go home in 15 months.
THIS WORK IS INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God be with you till we meet next monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Sister AllyBoBally!!! <3