Monday, April 13, 2015


This week was sorta epic in places. :)
So, we knocked all of our AUPs doors a long time ago, but two of them never answered.. So, last week, we knocked a final time. BOTH OF THEM WERE HOME!!!
The first one, her name is M. :) And she said she was busy, but to come back later, so we scheduled another appointment and right as she was closing the door, we gave her a card and she said, "Hey, I used to be a Mormon!" And on the inside, I was all, "Yup! That's why we're here! Cause you USED to be!" :) But on the outside, I was like, "WHHHHHAAAAATTTTTT?! NO WAAAAY!!" And we had a very cool conversation! She shared her conversion story and it's so sweet... She was baptized about 30 years ago and fell away VERY quickly.... But, she still remembers the missionaries who baptized her! She's awesome! And we're meeting with her this Friday! :)
Well, we're knocking around her home and a man passes by, so we say hello! And he says, "You just talked to my wife! We're so excited to have you over!" GAHH!! So awesome! 
And one of the doors we knocked on was a Catholic man! We totally thought he was going to Bible bash... BUT HE INVITED US BACK OVER!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
The second AUP we contacted, his name is J. :) And at first, he was all, "I left for a reason!" But, by the end of the conversation, he wasn't interested in the gospel, but he did agree to have us over another time to do some service. :)
MIRACLE!!!! :)
The rest of the week was good, but those are the key parts I remember. :)
LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!
have a wonderful day and week!!!!
P.S. I had a friend back in Haywards Heath and I found out that she passed away this week... I was really good friends with her and her mother E..... Please please please pray for E.... <3 She needs them. <3

April 6

March 30

March 23

March 16

Monday, March 9, 2015

Be more of a friend than being a Mormon. :)

I'll write some of my favorite thoughts...

"'Let me know if I can help,' is no help at all."
"If someone keeps falling over, maybe it's because they are trying to move forward."
"Be more of a friend than a Mormon."

"True doctrine understood improves behavior."
"The world works from the outside in.
The Savior works from the inside out.
The world would change your environment to change you.
The Savior would change you to change your environment.
The world would change human behavior.
The Savior would change human nature."

"Doing something for yourself doesn't usually profit anything." 
"Submit our will. Be brave. Stand up for the Savior's way of life."

"God's plan is like embroidery. It's a mess from our perspective, but it's BEAUTIFUL from His perspective."

"Listen to the counsel that comes from the Lord."

1 Nephi 8:24 - "And it came to pass that I beheld others pressing forward, and they came forth and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press forward through the mist of darkness, clinging to the rod of iron, even until they did come forth and partake of the fruit of the tree." Strive. Keep true. Don't give up.

Sure way to revelation:
1. Search the scriptures.
2. Keep the commandments.
3. Pray with real intent.
"We need to prepare to receive revelation."
"To walk in the light is to receive personal revelation."


Well, this week... :)

To start, we had a wonderful lesson with T and R! :) 

R is sooo amazing.. She actually got baptized yesterday into C of E... BUT, on Tuesday she said, " I know my baptism isn't valid, but we have been planning this for months, and it would be disrespectful not to follow through." WHAT A DOLL!!! She is soo fantastic!!! 

And then B. :) Oh, B. :) She is an elderly woman we met a couple of weeks ago. We stopped by her last week and she is just darling!!! We came in and she said, "Sisters, I'm a predicament... My knickers are too big for me!!! And they keep falling off!!" She then proceeded to lift up her shirt and show her lacy knickers.. HAHHAHAHA!!! I've never laughed on the inside so hard!!! :) She is sooo adorable!!!! :)  We had a wonderful lesson with her... She has such a powerful spirit.. :) Her husband eventually died, along with her son. So, we had an amazing conversation with her about how this is not the end. And you can tell she knows that! :)

She also talked about how she frequently sees spirits in her home. Some good, some bad. And sometimes, she just gets a very cold feeling. so, we were able to say a prayer over her home that there would be much peace and happiness. :)

Those were the amazing teaching moments of the week!! :) We talked to a lot of people this week, but none of them ended up being Meaningful Gospel Conversations.. :( BUT WE WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!!

Spiritual highlight!!!!


Matthew 27:19, "When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him." 

PILATE'S WIFE!!! Oh, she is a rock star!!! She never heard Christ's teachings, never saw His miracles, never knew what He did for her, never even saw His face... And yet, she still stood up for Him...

That is a true believer in Christ... I can't wait to meet her on the other side!!! I'm going to give her a huge hug for defending Him!!!! <3

I love this gospel. I love this church. I pray we can be true believers. I pray we can be true defenders. :)

MAY WE ALL STAND UP FOR WHAT WE BELIEVE IN!! Even if we stand physically alone, spiritually, we are never alone!! Matthew 28:20 is proof of that! " Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."


Elder C. added a very profound thought this week in our conference call... "Christ is a lot closer than any of us realize."




March 2

Feb 23

February 16

Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9, 2015

"And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things." -Doctrine and Covenants 88:67

Oh.... I'm moving... TO WEYMOUTH.. To be Sister Training Leader of the Poole Zone... Oh, my...

I'm sooo sad to say goodbye to Aldershot... Aldershot is AMAZING!!! <3

It really is!!!! <3

I love the members, the investigators, just everything!!!!!! <3




**** beautiful photos******

BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! <3 :) Counrtyside AND the ocean... <3 ahhhhhhh!!!! If you added mountains... OHhhhh... I would be... Oh gosh.. Just.. Like... WOW!!!!!! <3

This week has been a fantastic week! <3 Today is going to be a short email because I want to share just one very specific experience we had... :)

Yesterday, we had T come to church. And he loved it! He tried singing the hymns, which was adorable! :) Well, afterwards, the other two of our investigators needed to leave, so we asked our ward mission leader, Brother P, if we could turn Gospel Principles into a lesson from Preach My Gospel. And he said, "I don't know the lessons very well, but okay."

Well, we planned for T to teach him Gospel of Jesus Christ. :) As we taught him about having faith, T said, "Ladies, I need to tell you, since I met you, I have realized the importance of faith. A couple of weeks ago, before I met you, I will admit, suicide crossed my mind. And then you came along. I want to change."

And Brother P, (You remember him? The one who apparently didn't know the lessons very well?) said, "T, Jesus Christ enables us to move on from these kinds of things." And then he just kept going... He bore the most amazing testimony and taught in such a simple and pure way the doctrine Tony needed to hear.

Brother P was needed sooo much yesterday. I KNOW that members are essential!!!

Which leads to the talk of the week...

How to Be a Member Missionary

By Quentin L. Cook

"How can we be effective missionaries?

I believe with all of my heart that we are on the threshold of the most significant missionary success to date.

Our challenge is to share the joyous, eternally significant gospel with our brothers and sisters so they can find peace and happiness and exaltation.

With this in mind, how can we be effective missionaries?

First: Be a missionary all your life. President David O. McKay (1873–1970) taught that every member is a missionary, and it is as true today as when it was first declared.

Second: Overcome feelings of hesitancy or inadequacy.

Third: Do not be discouraged because missionary work is hard.

Fourth: Be a good example and take every opportunity to share the gospel (see 1 Timothy 4:12). It is not enough to preach the gospel. One must also live the gospel. Very often people are receptive to being taught because they have had a positive experience with a Church member.

I know one BYU graduate who is a great example. He points out that there is a mirror quality to conversation. If we talk about the weather, people respond by talking about the weather. If we talk about sports, they respond by talking about sports. This friend says he asks people he meets about their school and listens intently. After they respond by asking him about his school, he tells them about BYU and then shares his testimony of the gospel. Then, in a positive way, he offers to let them learn more from the missionaries. He has been very successful in sharing the gospel. He has also remained on excellent terms with his friends who do not respond to his challenge because he genuinely loves them and is interested in them.

I am very enthusiastic about where we are at this time in missionary work. But, as President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) always counseled the Brethren, “We can still do better.”

There are great blessings, including eternal joy, in helping to bring souls unto Christ (see D&C 18:15).

Missionary work is not just one of the 88 keys on a piano that is occasionally played; it is a major chord in a compelling melody that needs to be played continuously throughout our lives if we are to remain in harmony with our commitment to Christianity and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

My specific challenge to each of you is to make a commitment to be a missionary for the rest of your life.

If you look at your group of friends, there are many who would respond to the gospel if you would have the faith to share the message of the Restoration with them.

What we desperately need is for member-missionary work to become a way of life—for the Savior’s mandate to share the gospel to become part of who we are."

I couldn't say it better than he did.... :) MEMBERS ARE DESPERATELY NEEDED!!!!!

I have realized on my mission that everyday of my life leading up to my mission has prepared me for my mission. And I know that everyday of my mission is preparing me to be the best MEMBER MISSIONARY I can be. I do NOT need a black name tag to be a missionary.


I'm going to go on teaches with the missionaries every single week and I'm going to fellowship investigators and I'm going to feed the missionaries in my ward!! I am going to do all that I can do to be the best member missionary that I can be!!!! :) BUT, more importantly, I'm not going to just help the missionaries preach the gospel. I am going to preach the gospel on my own as well!!! To the cashier, to co workers, to my boss, to students, to teachers, to black and white, bond and free, male and female. EVERYONE. :)

LOVEYOUEVERYONE!!!!!!! <3 Have a wonderful week!!!!!!! <3

Love, Sister Tigger No Matter Where She Serves. :)







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