Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Holy Temple, Hallowed Walls

I had the amazing opportunity to go through the Rexburg Temple on Saturday, January 25th, 2014 and receive my endowments!! Absolutely incredible!!!! My personal testimony has been strengthened through feeling of Heavenly Father's love for me and all of His children. I can feel Christ's love for me also; I know the only reason it is possible for me to go through the temple is because He was willing to suffer and die for me. The atonement not only created a way for us to get back to Heavenly Father, but a way to make covenants with Him. Everything I've learned from when I was baptized to when I graduated high school seminary has prepared me for the temple. The temple is the Lord's house. Satan's influence is not accepted in the temple because of sacredness and peacefulness. "This world is not the real world. The honest, true real world is inside the temple." The temple is a world of peace and happiness beyond our happiest dreams. A couple days before the temple, I got a terrible rash all over my face. And I could feel my attitude and spirit slowly cripple under the temptation to not attend the temple. The VERY day I was so blessed to go to the temple, I could feel Satan try to convince to cancel and just not go because my rash had gotten so bad. I turned to my scriptures and prayed for the temptation to go away. I found John 3:30. "He must increase, but I must decrease." Yes, this day was the biggest day of my life, but it really is about growing closer to Heavenly Father and strengthening my relationship with Him. I am so thankful for the holy temple and its hallowed walls. The true Spirit of God is there and can be felt anywhere if we strive to stand in holy places, even if we physically stand alone, spiritually, we are never alone. I testify of His love and His gospel and His want for all of us to return to Him. I cannot wait to spread His light, life, love, and laughter to all. He is the Supreme Being of our bodies and spirits. He wants to be close to us and us to Him so much, He gave us a temple. Through prayer, scripture reading, and attending the temple, we can be so close to Him, it almost feels like He is right next to us. But, in reality, He really is. I testify of this work. I testify of His love. I testify of Him.

Love Always,
Sister Vande Merwe

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