Monday, May 12, 2014

Let's Baptize Some Fleas!!!!!‏

Yalright, errbody!? (Yalright is how EVERYONE greets us)... Hahaha

WE GOT TO SKYPE HOME YESTERDAY!!!!!! Oh, how joyous!!!!! I loved seeing my family's beautiful faces!!!!! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO MY AMAZING MOTHER!!!!! She is Heaven Sent and has been SUCH a support to me my WHOLE life!!!!!

Oh, my goodnesss... This week... Where to start!!? Well, I'm just going to list it out for sake of time...

1. We have three bapstimal dates now!! N, who is 16 years old, started reading the Book of Mormon yesterday and when we taught her the Restoration, she said, "My heart is pounding!" Oh, she is a bundle of joy. Her and I have bonded a lot. She calls me her "chummy." bahahha And then, T, who is from South Africa! He loves Jesus and can't wait to go home and share this message with his family!! And then S..... Who is homeless and we can't get a hold of..... We are sooo worried.... PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM.

2. My companion and I have FLEAS. DIS. FLIPPING. GUSTING. But, absolutely hilarious.... We went to an in active's house on Thursday. She has three cats who all have skin diseases. They were crawling all over us. We sat on the couch and I SWEAR something bit me. We get home and we are itching like crazy. My calf started to swell up and Sis. S. asked me to look at her back. Her back was COVERED in bites. And I put it together like a fetching puzzle. "Sister S., go take a shower. We have fleas." She SQUEALED. I started laughing, cause it is actually REALLY funny, and she said, "Why are you laughing!!?" Well, cause I never thought I'd have FLEAS on my my mission!!! I feel like a dog....... We have stripped our flat CLEAN. hhahahha when we told the elders, they were like "NO. WAY." It is actually VERY hilarious hahahhahha

3. My voice was gone this entire week. I caught something when I first got to England and I slowly started to go down hill. This entire week, I haven't been able to talk!! HAhahahha! Poor Sis. S!!! She is amazing for putting up with my non vocal preaching! hahahhahha it has been very humbling and very testimony building though!!!! I mean, it goes to show you that you don't need a voice to bear your testimony. Most of everyone knows that "There Is Sunshine In My Soul Today" is my favorite hymn. LET ME TELL YOU WHY. My dad tells this story alot better than I can... I can't remember who.... President Kimball...? Well, he went to visit a woman who was paralyzed from the nose down. She could only answer yes or no questions by one blink=yes two blinks=no. He started asking her questions and then he got to "do you have a favorite hymn" she blinked yes. He started going through the hymn book asking if that was her favorite hymn. All she blinked no. Until 'There is Sunshine in My Soul Today'. He asked if she had a favorite line. She blinked yes. He went through line by line and she kept blinking no. Until he got the line, "And Jesus listening can hear the songs I cannot sing!" AMAZING STORY. And sooo true. Although I had no voice this week, Christ knows I have a testimony. And He helped me bear it through everyone we taught feeling the spirit this week. Sooo incredible!!!

4. Miracles do happen!!!!!!!! On Friday, we were having an absolute RUBBISH day. One of our investigators didn't show up to the lesson. FOR THE SECOND TIME. People were swearing in our faces. People were threatening us. We were being made fun of. People stared, pointed, and laughed at us. It was ridiculously humiliating. We went back to our flat to pick something up and we said a prayer ON OUR KNEES. We always say a prayer before we leave the flat, but never on our knees. So we decided to try it out. We prayed we would witness a miracle. Well, lo and behold, did we get one!!!! We have a Phillipino family living right across the hall from us and we have been trying to figure out how to approach them in a natural way without ruining our chance... Right as we open our door, the mom is opening hers!!!! We started talking and asked if we could come over sometime to share a little more about what we do.... She said yes!!! I could list off all of the tender mercies the Lord bestowed upon us that day, but that would take ages.... All I can say is "Ask and ye shall receive" isn't just an uplifting thought of 'Oh, yeah. Heavenly Father answers prayers...' IT'S A PROMISE!!!!! ASK. ASK. ASK. ASK. ASK. ASK. And you will receive A LOT more back in return!!!!!

5. It's fun telling someone that says you're going to hell that you're not scared of them... The look on their faces when you say, "I fear no man," is absolutely priceless!!

6. I feel HONORED to be a missionary. We have been given authority to work in HIS NAME. WHAT A PRIVILEGE!!!! And I feel even more blessed knowing that Jesus Christ was a missionary too!! And He knows what I feel on a day to day basis times 20 billion. He was humiliated. He was mocked. He was doubted. He was threatened. He was sweared at. He was yelled at. He was laughed at. But, He was also courageous. He dared to stand alone. He was faithful. He feared no man. He stood His ground. He never faultered when it would have been easier to give up. HE ENDURED. He wasn't a missionary just because He was teaching and preaching; He was a missionary because Heavenly Father asked Him to do something and He did it. He was called to be our Savior, and He saved us ALL. Not just a few children. But, ALL of us. Jesus Christ isn't clumsy and lazy. He didn't miss a couple children when He suffered. HE SAVED US ALL. That was His mission. When I got my call letter, I was asked to work in His name. We are all missionaries not because we have a black badge and a white envelope in the mail. We are ALL missionaries because we have been asked to be. Doctrine and Covenants 100:7 "But a commandment I give unto you, that ye shall declare whatsoever thing ye adeclare in my name, in solemnity of heart, in the spirit of meekness, in all things." Jesus Christ was asked to be our Savior. He obeyed. We are asked to be missionaries. SO LET'S BE MISSIONARIES!!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!

I love you all!!! Thank you for your uplifting emails, letters, and prayers!!!!!!! God be with you till we meet again!!!! I testify of this work!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Sister V. <3<3<3<3<3

P.S. Be happy!!!!!!!! Smile!!!!!!!! "To be a missionary means to be yourself." I LOVE YOU!!!! HOPE I CAN HEAR FROM YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!

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