Monday, May 26, 2014

Oh, good gracious!! Do you know how thankful I am for you!!? Really!!!! When you start to live on your own and experience new things, you realize how much your family impacted you!!  You have taught me so much and most of what I use when we approach people on the street is what I've learned from you!  I am constantly thanking God for putting me in such a wonderful family!!! You are constantly in my prayers!!!                                                                                                                                                            
Oh, my days.... what a week!! First of all, I'm almost to my two month mark!? What blasphemy is this!? IT IS GOING BY WAAAAAYYYY TOO FAST!!! We have little moments where the spirit is so strong and then it's all of a sudden time to go to bed!! :((((  Seriously, this transfer is over this week! TOOO FAAAASTTTTTT!!!!! SLOOOOOOOOW DOWN MISSION!!!!!
Well, you will be pleased to know that I am LOVING Haywards Heath more and more each day!!  And it's cool because this is home!! This is my life!!  How cool is it that all my life is right now is talking to people and relying on the Lord!!  What a great combo!!! That is my whole life for the next 16 months!!!  I really never want this to end!!!!!!!!!
Oh wow... What else??  I got to go to BRIGHTON this week for exchange with someone I met in the MTC!!  Sister D! WHAT A ROCK! She is incredible! I learned a lot and I missed home a ton!! (Haywards Heath home... haha) 
Everyone knows us! It's so cool when you are talking to someone and people across the street say "ey Sister S and Sister V!!" No one can pronounce my name!  Hahaha
Saturday, we met a man named P who’s Catholic.... I told him about the First Vision and he said "Here is my Rosary. Take it. I want the Book of Mormon..." So I have his Rosary Cross sitting right next to my mirror... BUT HE WAS WILLLING TO GIVE ANYTHING TO HAVE THE BOOK OF MORMON. Oh, what a blessing it is to see the Spirit convert!!!! I FEEL SO LUCKY TO WITNESS ALL THESE THINGS HAPPENING!!!
Last night, we were scrambling to reach our goal of 40 teaches (we reached 42.. THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER!) We taught N. She is from the Philippines.. And SHE IS CRAVING FOR A BABY. We said a prayer with her and I prayed that she would be able to have a baby soon... she started to cry.... :) 
THIS WEEK HAS BEEN A BLESSING!!!! Love you all!!! I am always praying for you!!!!!
"Christ stood by me when I needed Him. I will stand by Him now that He needs me." -Elder P (Assistant to the President)
Love, Sister Ally Bear

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