Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 24.... I may be a true blue, darn tootin, Star Spangled, burger eatin, tater pickin American... But, way down deep inside... I am an English Daisy.

I may be a true blue, darn tootin, Star Spangled, burger eatin, tater pickin American... But, way down deep inside... I am an English Daisy. <3

Hello, my beloveds!!!!
I am training... What?!?! Sister S is the absolute cutest!!!! She is soo Christ like and just sooo with it!!!

She has a testimony and a heart of gold!!! She served a mini mission before this, so I definitely feel like she doesn't need to be trained.. Officially, of course she needs to be, but spiritually, she was born trained and ready!!!

I love her to bits!!! I think she really is such a powerful and effective missionary!!!! :)

I asked her how she wants to change and she said with a huge smile on her face, "I want to be more humble!"

Just desiring to be humble is an act of humility!!! She is sooo teachable and so willing to learn!!! I love her ooodles and oooooodles!!!!! :)

I am so excited to experience miracles together with her!!!

And we already have!!!!!

Holy guacamole.... Last week was PHENOMONAL!!!!!

On Thursday, we met up with L!! (Oh, did I mention that she is a part time burlesque dancer? I forgot to mention that little detail... hahaha!!) We met up with her (we haven't seen her for about a month because she has been so busy with her... um... career?) So, we decided to meet with her one more time just to see if she actually is interested in meeting with the missionaries....

And guess what happened?!?!?!

SHE PRRRAYYYED!!!!!! For the first time ever, she prayed to her Heavenly Father and asked if He was there!!!! The Spirit was sooo strong!!! :)

Our next goal with her is to take her to the temple!!! Because we feel everything would completely change if she went!!!! :)

We also met up with M!!! :) We watched the General Conference talk given by Elder Bednar "Come and See." :)

M, afterwards, said, "I respect you so much for what you do..." I think it has finally clicked in his mind of who we actually are (representatives of Christ) and what we are here to do (help him come to true happiness through coming unto Christ by being helping him gain faith, guiding him to repentace, being baptized, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end....) He gets it!!!! He really really does!!!!

Oh, and then Friday... Oh, Friday... What a flipping amazing day....

So, we met up with M again and talked about enduring to the end and how the Atonement helps us in enduring to the end.... (M loves the Atonement!!!) We were talking to him about how much he has changed! And he said, "I used to think Jesus was just a person... But, I'm starting to realize He is waay more than that!" I was just like... AHHH!!!!! And then, he said the most genuine thank you for all that we have done for him.. I wanted to cry!!! I was thinking... "Thank YOU!!!!"
We asked him if he wanted to continue changing and he said yes... <3

So, for the last few weeks, M has said no to saying the prayer because he feels he is inadequate when it comes to saying prayers... Well, my dear brothers and sisters, he said the prayer on Friday!!!!

And this is what he said:

"Dear Heavenly Father. Thank you for this beautiful day. (For starters, Friday was gloomy and gray... He has changed so much he can call everything, even gloomy and gray days BEAUTIFUL!!!) Thank you for allowing me to learn. (THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING US TO TEACH YOU!!!) Thank you for teaching me. (AHHH!! He is sooo humble now!!!) Thank you for the sisters. (Shucks, M.. We love you!!) Thank you for giving me the freedom to believe in you and not brainwashing me to believe in you. (Hahahah!! M is amazing!!!) I'm sorry. Thank you for being there. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."

AHHHHHH!!!!!! I was sooo happy!!!!! M really truly knows that Heavenly Father is there!!!!! <3

M then started going off of how our bubbly personalities and countenances have changed him.. He's so sweet!!!!

After the teach, we ended up being late for our train and our next appointment cancelled... :( So, we got on our train and ended up being on a coach al alone with these two men ( one of them had down syndrome. He was adorable!) We said hello. :) A couple minutes later, one of them came up to us and said, "Are you LDS?" "YES! Are you a Latter-day Saint?" "I'm inactive!"

We invited ourselves over, asked if we could say a prayer with him, and then asked why he stopped going to church. He said being sealed to his wife freaked him out.

We testified to him that being sealed to your family is one of the greatest gifts God could've given us!!!

We then committed him to pray about being sealed and start going to church again...

Unfortunately, he is in the Farnborough ward, so we can't check up on him... BUT, there are missionaries serving there, so we will make sure they follow up with

Heavenly Father is most definitely looking out for us and wanting success for us!!!!

I can testify that He is and always will be our one true friend!!!

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!

Love Always,

Sister Funky Fresh. :)

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