Monday, November 17, 2014

“If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.” -Winnie the Pooh. <3

Hello people that I love a flipping ton!!!!!

As for the quote.... Missionaries.. Take this to heart!!!! <3 To be a missionary means to be patient!!!! <3

Soo, we got a call the other night from President Millar.... "Sister V, I would like you to train." All I said was, "Okay." Hahaha I was dumbfounded.... I said a silent prayer to Heavenly Father saying, "Um... You're trusting me with a new missionary?" ... I felt completely unqualified for this... But, then a very calming feeling came over me. Of course I'm not qualified for this. Because I haven't been called because I am qualified. I've been called to BECOME qualified... :)

I really am very excited to train! I really am! I just, at first, felt a little bit of pressure... Because I remember Sister Millar saying, "Being a trainer is the most important calling in the mission."

Ahhhh!!! Whaaattt!!? Don't tell me that!!

But, I have come to realize and accept that this is my time to let Heavenly Father take over and change both me and the wonderful sister I am training...

I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for her choice to serve the Lord. <3

I know she is meant to be in this mission at this time for a reason!!! I'm sooo excited to witness miracles with her!!! :)

Well, I will have you know that I am doing grrreat!!

I am going to miss Sister Y though... She is an absolute angel and really brings out the best in me!! She definitely is a miracle worker and such a wonderful companion... But, not only that, she is a good friend! :)

I looooove Aldershot!!! I really really do!!!

Aldershot is aaaaaaaaaaammmaaaazzzziiiiiiinnnnngggg!!!!

So, a veerrry cool finding activity we had last week........ Absolutely blew my mind!!!

A couple of weeks ago, Sister Y and I came up with the idea to give away free hot chocolate with our number and on the cups!!! We told Elder T (our district leader) and he liked it so much, he wanted to join in!! So, we got our whole district together, including the zone leaders and a couple of other elders in the zone and planned a day to do hot chocolate!!

We asked if we could have it closer to Christmas so that we could have a Christmas theme to it!! So, we got some Christmas decorations together, planned it with all the missionaries, and waited until the day we planned for it (last Saturday.)

Sister Y and I dropped off the decorations for them to start finding and decorating while Sister Y and I made the hot chocolate! :)

We made the hot chocolate and went to the designated spot for finding... :) We turned the corner and were absolutely stunned!!
The missionaries had all brought chalk and there was chalk literally EVERYWHERE on the sidewalk on the high street!!!!

The missionaries were stopping people and asking them what made them happy and then would write it on the sidewalk... It was soooo cool!!!!

And we had some verry cool experiences from it!!!

But, one that was veryy cool was with a guy named O.... :)

So, Elder B was talking with these two black guys on high street and they looked very, "Waddup, mah homedog!" I was thinking, "That's cool, that's cool.." And then, Elder B called me over and said, "This guy was baptized three years ago in the Staines ward!!"

Oliah told his entire story of how he is originally from Nigeria and was living in Staines. He was taught by missionaries and was baptized.. Soon after he was baptized though, he joined the military.... Now the military is great!! I LOVE the military!!! I respect those who serve our country soooo much and wouldn't mind at all if I even married someone who served in the military because, let's be honest, when you serve a mission and then serve in the military and still hold to your faith, that is one heck of a person!! I give HUGE credit to Latter-day Saints in the military because, as I was about to say, being in the military as a Latter-day Saint is HARD. The military is a fantastic opportunity, but some of the people in the military can be a tough influence on ya....

O explained that he fell away from the church because of it's bad influence in some areas... I told him about a friend I have back at home who had been baptized two and a half months before he left for the military.. Sadly, he didn't stay active because he didn't have time enough to get to know who he was as a Latter-day Saint and strengthen his faith to endure the temptations and bad influences that some people have....

But, unlike my friend, O has an extreme desire to come back!! He said, and I quote, "I want to get my endowments. I want to go through the temple. I have my Aaronic priesthood... Now I want my Melchizedek priesthood."

I was seriously on cloud flipping nine!!!! I just started bursting out with, "That is sooo great!!" and "Can we please meet up soon!?!?" I was sooooo excited!!!!

Seeing someone with a pure desire to come closer to Christ is what makes me the most happy... Really... I love seeing that desire to change in others' eyes....

I feel sooo blessed for being able to stay in Aldershot!!! I looove it here!!!!! :)

Ta-ta for now!!! :) (To one of the families in the ward, I'm Sister Tigger because I apparently have the energy of Tigger from Winnie the Pooh hahahha)

Have a WONDERFUL week this week!!!!


I LOVE YOU ALLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With love to the moon and back,
Sister Tigger. <3

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